How you can change your life by journaling daily. Is it possible? Heck yes! Your days are filled with so many thoughts, ideas and to-do lists. It can be hard to keep up with your own brain! But what if I told you that Journaling doesn’t have to be just another thing to add to your already busy schedule? You have probably heard that Journaling has so many benefits, but it may not sound easy to prioritize or even do!
Journaling has been a game changer for me and so many others. I am going to show you the benefits of Journaling and the different types of journaling (yes there are more then one so hang tight to read which type might be the perfect fit for you!). I have also added 20 prompts to help you start journaling and I will teach you how to make it a habit that lasts!
Journaling is beneficial because we process things so differently when we have an external outlet. It’s slower to write than to think or speak, which enables us to process things a little slower. We can then read it back and process it even more!
I have been making journaling more of a priority in my life and I have seen that it has helped wash my mind clean of things.
For example, if I have been feeling a little anxious about something I write it out, then look back over it and think ‘wow that’s actually not a big deal’ and give it to God. Asking Him to replace this feeling of anxiety with Peace.
It usually makes the process I need to work through faster and easier because of the clarity I gained by writing it out and being able to see it for what it is! Let’s jump in and see how you can change your life by journaling daily!
***This post may contain affiliate links, but only to products I genuinely love. It won’t cost you anything extra. You can read the full disclosure here.***
The Benefits of Journaling
Journaling stores Memories
There are many benefits of Journaling! One benefit is to store memories. For example, if you had a wonderful day that was worth remembering write it all down.
They say that photos store memories and they do! However writing down the funny thing your 5 year old said or why your grandma chose to wear what she was wearing help solidify these memories into your short term memory. How to start Journaling your memories? Write them in your phone and when you get home elaborate on it.
Creates ideas or realizations
Another benefit is to create ideas or realizations. For example, something that you saw or thought of may have sparked an idea. Sitting down and writing why that idea sparked something and fleshing it out more could lead to some significant ideas or dreams being birthed that may have stayed stagnant if not written out.
I have realized some very important things after journaling. I have realized things like why I am sometimes scared of change, or why I was so hurt by something someone said. By writing it out I was able to realize why those things affected me and I could start the journey to work through them, and this is exactly how you can change your life by journaling daily!
Process your Feelings
The third benefit and one of the reasons most people start journaling is to process their feelings. Let me tell you it works! It may not feel like it the first few times. However, getting out your feelings on paper helps your mind categorise, focus and process what is going on inside our mind.
Sometimes if you don’t have an external outlet our mind can go in circles and not get anywhere. However, writing it all out enables you to understand why you’re feeling what you’re feeling. It can be extremely helpful.
How to start Journaling to process your feelings is to just write what you feel but don’t stop there! Always write what made you feel that way, there’s always a reason!

Different types of Journaling
How you can change your life by journaling daily is to choose what works best for *you*. There are a few different types of journaling techniques. I use them in different ways and at different times of the day.
Morning Pages
Morning Pages are incredibly helpful. I discovered these a few years ago and they have helped me immensely with clarity, purpose and removing any distractions.
In the Artists Way book, the author Julia Cameron describes Morning Pages as; “Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. *There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages*– they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only.
Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page…and then do three more pages tomorrow….As we write Morning Pages, we tend to get things “right.” Our days become our own. Other people’s agendas and priorities no longer run our lives. We care for others, but we now care for ourselves as well.” -Julia Cameron
For me Morning Pages have cleared my mind of anything that is of little importance but is just in the way. It also gives me clarity on what’s important and what to focus on. How to start Journaling Morning Pages is to just write 3 pages in the Morning of anything and everything that comes to mind!
Night Journaling
Night Journaling is all about processing your day and your feelings. These can be helpful for ending your day by wrapping it all up, processing it and letting it all go, such a crucial step to learn how you can change your life by journaling daily!
This enables you to realize things you didn’t have time to think about during your day. They also help you grow because you may write that you felt bad that you spoke to your boss with a particular tone so you would like to apologize the next day. You are now thinking of ways of preventing that from happening again etc.
Night pages are a great way to wind down, be grateful and let go any stress or worries from the day by just writing it all down to get it all out.
Growth Journal
A growth Journal is something a little more narrow in nature. This Journal I write in the least but it is also one of the most significant journals.
I write down things that I want to change in my life and the steps to take. Then I record how I am going with these changes, what I have learned or discovered about my self in the process and how I am growing.
A good example of this is that I really have been wanting to fear less. I can find myself worrying and being fearful about certain things and so I write out Bible versus and ask God everyday to help change my beliefs about who He is in my life and to show me the Truth about all the fears that I am believing.
Some steps for me to take was to pause when I feel fear, write down if there was a lie I was believing or what triggered the fear and to replace it with the Truth. What does God say about the lie? Then as I kept doing this I would write down the changes I was experiencing.
I slowly started to subconsciously choose to believe the Truth over the lie in certain situations that I used to always choose to believe the lie (fear). I love looking back over the journal that I had written my process in and just celebrating the changes that I could see.
Dreams and Goals Journal
Dreams and Goals journal is probably my favorite one to write in. It’s so important to have Goals and writing the steps needed in order to achieve them.
I write goals that I know I will reach, then I write some that are a little more challenging and then some that are almost impossible! I do this so that I can stretch and grow myself to see what I am capable of. It also helps me know what i want to prioritize, like time, money and spending time with those I love.
Dreams are exciting to write about. They are different from goals because they are usually a little more ‘out there’ then your goals and there’s not always steps you can write down to achieve them. Therefore they are exciting to look back over to see how a way was made for them to come true!
This journal makes me feel excited and fills me with a lot of Hope and Joy! This one is my favourite!

Bullet Journaling
Bullet Journaling is a little more unique, and has it’s own way of doing things. Basically it is a highly customisable system for organizing and taking notes. These notes are then used to organise your schedule, ideas, goals and other aspects of you life. It’s really fun actually, as it is a creative outlet and yet still a simple concept.
It is going to differ greatly depending on the user. For example; for some people it’s used like a sketch book, project manager, dream log, motivator, to-do list etc.
As it’s name suggests, bullet journals are for bullet points, writing down things like you would on a post-it note. Short things you don’t want to forget, or that you want to organise. Then people draw pictures, get creative based on those bullet points, but ofcourse you don’t have too. I guess that’s what’s so great about it, you can literally have freedom and creativity to use it how you like!
The reason I like it, is more to organise ideas, makes lists of things I need to do, or want to do either in my day or in my life. There are many bullet journals you can buy. I personally use this one.
Why do YOU want to Journal?
How you can change your life by journaling daily is achieved by daily choices. However whats even more important is knowing your *why*. Having your why keeps you motivated. You do not need to start off with having 4 journals like I have. I wouldn’t even recommend that to start off with. Start with one, and then add others to it when and if the timing feels right.
I would start by writing down all the reasons as to WHY you want to journal and it should help you know which type of journaling you should start with. This is all about YOU so make sure it feels right to you.
I really enjoy journaling! I am an external processor (journaling is SO beneficial for internal processors too, maybe even more so) however, I don’t always have people that I can process things through with.
Sometimes it’s not even appropriate to talk to some people about the things I am processing because it may involve someone else and it just isn’t their business.
I find it helpful to process everything into my journals so that when I do have dinner with my husband at the end of the day, or coffee with a friend I am so much more freed up to talk about other things rather than just myself and what I’m going through!
How to start Journaling – and making it a habit
This part is fun. You need to make this a ritual, rather then a chore. You need to look forward to this time of day. Ways that you can do that are by creating a cozy spot that is you ‘journaling home’. It could be on your couch, outside on the porch, or at the Dining table. Wherever it is make sure it’s comfortable and a place that is de-cluttered and peaceful.
I always make a cup of Tea in a Tea pot so that it reminds me to slow down and that I have time (If you don’t have much time make a cold drink, a smoothie or something that you will enjoy while you’re writing). Buy a really nice Journal, good quality pens and peaceful music.
Something else that helps is to have something that you do every day that will trigger the habit. For example do it with your morning coffee, on your lunch break, after Dinner. Doing it at the same time everyday linked with something you always do will help you make this a habit.
Here are a round up of some of my favorite journals (because I believe you need more than one!)
–These Journals are great! They are simple, powerful and are just really nice to write in. You get to choose 3 in a bundle!
–This simple stand alone journal is a perfect size if you like to carry it around with you!
-This Wellness Journal is fun, it includes creative activities to help inspire you!
How to start Journaling- use these prompts to help you get started:
- What is my favorite thing about myself?
- Is there an area of my life I feel stuck in? What changes can I make to feel ‘un-stuck’?
- How did I show kindness and love to someone today? How can I do this more often?
- Are there lies I am believing about myself? What is the Truth that I can replace those lies with?
- What are 3 words I would like people to describe me as? How can I become those things?
- What would I like to see changed in my life a year from now?
- What is one thing I should do less of? and one thing I should do more of? (for me less tv, more books)
- What kind of friends do I have? Do I attract healthy and uplifting friends? if so how can I cultivate them more? If not how can I change this?
- When I visualize my life 5 years from now what do I see? How can I work towards that?
- What brings me joy?
- What are 5 of my favorite memories and why? How can I keep creating good memories?
- What is making my life feel complicated right now? What can I do to simplify this?
- When do you feel most you? How can you feel like this more often?
- What is a weakness i have that i can improve on?
- What do I feel like God is proud of me for?
- When is a time that you felt the most proud of your accomplishments?
- Who inspires me and why? How can I use their inspiration to improve my own life?
- Is quality time with those I love a priority? If not why not? and how can you change this?
- What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
- What would success for you look like?
-Make a sentence for everyday, either a mantra for how you want your day to be, a declaration of sorts or to end your day, wrapping it up in a sentence.
-Try to put a positive spin on it even if it was a bad day as it’s good to end the day like that believing that God is still working and good regardless of whether you had a good or bad day.
How you can change your life by journaling daily is a choice only you can make, but it you make it a ritual that you look forward to in your day. You can do this by having your favourite drink, putting on peaceful music and sitting somewhere cozy. Make it a time you look forward too.
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Thank you!!!

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