Sleep is absolutely heavenly when you are blissfully unaware that you’re even sleeping. It is a gift, an opportunity to fully relax, reconnect and reset. However, it can be just the opposite when sleep is hard to come by, disrupted or you struggle with actually *getting* to sleep. I have struggled in the past but I worked out the coziest night routine that worked wonders for me, so I wanted to share the ultimate guide to quality sleep. I have also added some vital information from a sleep ...
Self Care, Habits + Goals
The biggest mistake you *might* be making with Self Care – and how to do it better.
Your days are stressful. You just want to do something for yourself so you do some 'self care'. Afterwards it actually leaves you feeling worse (too much chocolate anyone?). Yep, I've been there too! But what if I told you the biggest mistake you *might* be making with self care is really easy to change? This post will empower you to do self care well which will actually leave you feeling refreshed! Looking after ourselves and treating ourselves well is right…..but I always felt uncomfortable ...
My Exact Guide to a Slow Morning Routine
Your alarm goes off and you snooze it for 10 minutes too long. This begins your day in a rush and leaves you feeling nervous and restless for most of the day. This used to be my life everyday until I had had enough! I want to share with you my exact guide to a slow morning routine that has helped me, and how you can create one with intention and purpose, allowing you to get the most out of your morning and be more productive! Mornings can be one of your favourite times of the day if you ...
How you can change your life by Journaling daily
How you can change your life by journaling daily. Is it possible? Heck yes! Your days are filled with so many thoughts, ideas and to-do lists. It can be hard to keep up with your own brain! But what if I told you that Journaling doesn't have to be just another thing to add to your already busy schedule? You have probably heard that Journaling has so many benefits, but it may not sound easy to prioritize or even do! Journaling has been a game changer for me and so many others. I am going to ...