Alison’s Life Coaching Programs: 1-1 + Group Programs
1. 1-1 Coaching for faith-based women who are in any type of waiting season:
1-1 Coaching is available for faith-based women who are struggling with their current waiting season. Whether it be waiting to get pregnant, find their husband, land their dream job, family reconciliation, or going through a big life transition.
Alison helps to bring biblical hope, encouragement and purpose in this waiting season by offering personalised guidance, focused on your individual journey and stage of life.
These 1-1 Coaching sessions are 1 hour sessions 2x a month for a minimum of 12 sessions.
Email to set up a FREE 20 minute consultation to see if we are the right fit for each other!
2. How to Thrive while waiting – 10 week Group program for Faith-based women
I believe that God created women to learn, grow and encourage one another in Community! That is why I have created a combined group coaching program. This will enable you to receive revelation, inspiration and encouragement from other members. As well as a curriculum that will steward your faith, identity and purpose in this waiting season.
There is also an opportunity for 1-1 session with Alison to get deeper into what might be holding you back from absolutely THRIVING in this season!
*1-1 coaching is an additional cost and time commitment, and limited to only 6 women every time this program runs.
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and Peace.” -Romans 8:6.
Being in a waiting season can leave you feeling fearful, lonely and stuck. You don’t have to walk through this alone! Come and connect with other women who are in a similar season as you and be filled with hope and encouragement!
‘Thrive in your current Waiting Season’ is for you if you want to:
- Discover your Identity in Christ
- Develop a deeper intimacy with God
- Discover your God-given calling in this season
- Thrive in your current waiting season, even if it’s challenging
- Learn to love yourself and well in this season
- Be transformed from old thinking and limiting beliefs
- Get clarity on what this season holds for you
- Be supernaturally encouraged and supported where you’re at now with no judgement, just love and a heartfelt nudge to pursue healing (Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically)
- Create a community with other like minded believers also going through a waiting season of infertility
“This course really helped me to focus on Me and my relationship with God. Learning how to stay focused and inspired for the now is so important and Alison guided us through that really well. Highly recommend.” – Sam M.
“This course was such a beautiful way for me to learn more about where I’m currently in my walk with the Lord and how I can further deepen my relationship with God.” -Rachel B.
“This course brought me so many realisations. Learning how to hear God’s voice in this season and how to bring joy into the everyday is something that I wish I had done ages ago… I love the practical nature of this program!! And the safety created within the group is so assuring and going through this journey alongside others who are also wanting to thrive where they are at and seeing how God is working and bringing breakthrough in their lives is something so special.” -Eirlys W.
Core Values:
I am committed to the truth that God loves people, gave Himself for us, and has given every believer supernatural power to walk and live in purity and wholeness.
I believe the Victorious, redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides freedom from the power of the enemy – sin, lies, sickness and torment.
- GOD IS GOOD – Regardless of our circumstances
- RESPONSIVE TO GRACE – Empowers believers to deeply experience grace enabling us to walk out of shame and into righteousness.
- GOD IS STILL SPEAKING – Jesus said His sheep would know His voice and that the Holy Spirit would teach us all things. Then we are able to test what we are hearing with scripture.
- HONOUR AFFIRMS VALUE – Honour recognises and affirms how valuable and powerful other people are because they are made in His image.
- SALVATION CREATES JOYFUL IDENTITY – We are new creations, who have been given Righteousness!
- FOCUSED ON HIS PRESENCE – As a lifestyle we focus on God while we minister and attempt to say what God is saying and do what He is doing.
- GOD’S WORD TRANSFORMS – When we encounter God in the word, faith is released into our lives
- JESUS EMPOWERS SUPERNATURAL MINISTRY – Nothing is impossible with God, so no person or thing is beyond His ability to bring complete restoration.
- FREE AND RESPONSIBLE – Christ died to set us free from the law of sin, death, fear and shame. Freedom is very personal, but not self-centered.
Why Alison as your Coach?
I grew up in a loving Christian home, and met God at an early age. However, growing up I allowed insecurity to have a huge influence in my life. It wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s where I had a Revelation. I realised that I have the Spirit of God living inside of me and therefore had Hope and Truth to be set free and live a life on wholeness in the Truth of Jesus, no matter what I am going through. I grew so much through community with other women, and I believe it is such an important part of our spiritual journey.
I have over 10 years experience in Coaching and helping women with their unhealthy thought patterns, beliefs and areas of growth. I believe God has given me the gift of safety and Hope for those needing a radical touch of the love of God.
I also love empowering women to live out their purpose and discover the powerful destiny God has for each person and to thrive right where you’re at!
My Mission is to always be guided by the Holy Spirit’s leading and be presence focused. When we talk about circumstances and struggles it will be from a place of Victory and Grace. AND we have so much Fun!!
What’s Next?
It’s time, you know it, you feel it. Let me help you step into the life you’ve been desiring. The one you know you were created for.
***Please note ‘Thrive in your current Season’ is for Faith-based Women. Email to set up a FREE 20 minute consultation to see if we are the right fit!